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Veterans and Military Resource Center

Message from the president

Welcome to Metropolitan 社区 College.

You have served our Nation proudly. Now it is our privilege to serve you, by helping you meet your educational, developmental, and professional goals.

世纪挑战集团非常重视其服务人员、退伍军人和他们的家人. 您独特的经历丰富了我们所有学生的整体学习环境.

Whether you plan to take a few classes, obtain a professional credential, or complete a two year program, 请知道我们随时准备帮助您实现您的目标.

OPE电子竞技官网, 你会发现一系列的资源来帮助你过渡到大学生活,并帮助确保你的学业和职业成功. 这些资源包括专门为您设计的专用空间和服务, including professional advising, 咨询, and support services, 所有这些都是由那些关心你的成功并对你的成功有既得利益的人提供的.

我们很高兴你能成为我们学生的一员,并期待着帮助你实现你的目标. 再次感谢有幸在世纪挑战公司为您服务.

Randy Schmailzl, College President


VMRC应该是新的和返回的退伍军人学生的第一站. 退伍军人可以获得所有VMRC服务和资源, 现役, Guard and Reserves and their family members. 该中心作为学校其他职能部门和VA团队的联络人, 国防部, 国家和社区资源,以帮助确保你在世纪挑战集团取得成功,实现生活和职业目标.

The VMRC is located at OPE电子竞技官网's South Omaha Campus, Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) Bldg, 101房间. 它是 open from 8 a.m. 到5点.m., Monday through Friday. 

Contact us at 531-622-4770 or

VMRC Staff Members

Daniel Mohr, AF Vet, Veterans Center Director
David Reyes, AF Vet, Veterans Center Assistant
Fair Rezanka, AF Vet, Veterans Center Brand Ambassador

Veteran Center Services

  • Educational planning and academic and tutoring support
  • Information on VA, 国防部, and state benefits
  • Assistance with obtaining OPE电子竞技官网 and community 资源
  • On-site VA, VA hospital, state, and VSO representatives
  • 退伍军人融入学术领导(VITAL)顾问
  • 专门为有军事背景的学生准备的节目和活动
  • Student Veterans Organization
  • Quiet room with massage chair to relax and rejuvenate
  • Private study rooms and computer lab
  • Complimentary coffee and other refreshments
  • 专门的空间,与有类似经历的人见面和交流

Summer term EVENTS  -- listed events hosted in VMRC

  • ch31 VA职业准备和就业(VRE)演示.  Tuesday, June 18, 1 PM to 2 PM.  Rebecca Luther, VRE Counselor & 陆军预备役退伍军人将提供该计划的概述以及通过VA VRE计划提供的其他服务和咨询. 
  • 内布拉斯加州劳工部退伍军人和配偶就业服务简报.  Thursday, June 27, 1 PM to 2 PM.  亚当Westby, 东北残疾退伍军人外展项目专家和海军退伍军人将讨论东北劳工部为退伍军人和符合条件的配偶提供的各种资源和服务. 
  • Nebraska NG Education Officer Visit.  Tuesday, July 23, 1 PM to 4 PM.  停下来,利用这个机会学习如何导航 ArmyIgnitED and about the various education services, 资源, and VA CH 1606, CH 33, and tuition assistance available to Guard members. 
  • 学生退伍军人组织(SVO)夏季学期会议 Guitars for Veterans (G4V) 演讲.  Thursday, August 1, 1 PM to 2 PM.  从SVO获取最新信息,了解即将到来的团队建设活动,同时与其他退伍军人学生联系.  也会见吉姆·霍伊,G4V贝尔维尤分会和陆军退伍军人,学习如何 G4V 帮助患有创伤后应激障碍和其他情绪困扰的退伍军人度过康复过程.    
  • Nebraska NG Education Officer & Military One Source Visit.  Wednesday, August 14, 1 PM to 4 PM.  停下来学习如何浏览armyignite以及NG成员可用的其他教育资源和服务.  另外了解各种军事资源和服务 available to all service members and spouses to include information about MyCAA (My Career Advancement)

VA Benefits NewsLetters


Online Resources

Programs, Initiatives and additional Info

Getting Started

If you have questions or need assistance, VMRC工作人员可以指导您完成OPE电子竞技官网申请流程. 它是 free to apply 完成申请并不意味着你必须参加OPE电子竞技官网. To apply for admission go to 应用. 注意: 过去两年没有上过OPE电子竞技官网的学生也需要填写一份申请. 我们可以提供OPE电子竞技官网专业和POC的基本信息.


OPE电子竞技官网's Veterans & 军事资源中心(VMRC)自豪地宣布希瑟 Bojanski作为其扩展支持人员的成员. 希瑟在退伍军人事务部工作,担任我们的退伍军人融入学术领导或重要顾问.

VITAL项目是学校之间的合作项目, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), 退伍军人福利管理局(VBA)以及州和地方机构来确保我们的退伍军人学生, 军人和家庭成员获得成功所需的工具.  除了作为一个值得信赖的顾问和学生的倡导者, other actions 希瑟 can help with include:

  • 协助退伍军人医疗登记和信息更新
  • VA Vocational Rehabilitation—referral and coordination
  • Coordination of VA health care services
  • Veteran health care appointment scheduling
  • Liaison with VA health care providers and VBA personnel
  • 转介到校园、州、县和当地退伍军人服务机构
  • 就影响学习成绩和留校的问题提供咨询和支持

如有疑问,或与希瑟交谈,请通过veteranscenter@mccneb与VMRC联系.edu or contact 希瑟 directly at 希瑟

Learn more about the VITAL Initiative.

Student Veterans Organization

OPE电子竞技官网学生退伍军人组织(SVO)是美国退伍军人学生协会的创始成员. SVO以学生为导向,提供机会发展领导能力,并在学术上建立网络和支持退伍军人, community and social settings. To learn more about the SVO, contact the VMRC at or 531-622- 4770. Learn more about the SVA.  The next SVO meeting will be during the winter term.

Veterans and Service Members Graduation Recognition

In order to recognize its Veteran and military students, OPE电子竞技官网 is proud to present eligible graduates with a red, white and blue honor cord. 符合条件的学生可以在办理毕业典礼登记时领取荣誉勋章. In addition to the honor cord, 学生的退伍军人或军人身份将在仪式上得到承认. If not attending the graduation ceremony, 学生可以到退伍军人和军事资源中心去获得荣誉勋章.


OPE电子竞技官网人文学科教员劳拉·钱伯斯为退伍军人准备了一份阅读清单. 看看推荐的老兵阅读清单和读书俱乐部.

Interested in being a STUDENT AttendAnt in the VMRC?  

你有兴趣帮助其他退伍军人和与军方有关的学生取得教育上的成功吗?  作为VMRC的学生服务员,你有机会在OPE电子竞技官网的旅程中指导和帮助其他学生.  学生服务员被认为是带薪的学校雇员.  To learn more, please contact or visit the VMRC.

Additional 学习 Opportunities